Cactus Erasers



The humble cactus is the perfect companion for those of us who are prone to the odd bout of pot plant neglect. They will happily sit there in desert-like conditions, sometimes covered in dust, content to merge into the background of your life until a chance, albeit painful, encounter reminds you of their existence. How many times have these faithful friends been brought back from the brink by a quick watering and removal of cobwebs? If we are really lucky, our loyal succulents will reward a moment of attention by producing a strikingly beautiful flower, filling us with pride and guilt in equal measure. Regardless of their adaptability, there are, however, some places you cannot put them and that is where our erasers come in. Practically indistinguishable from the real thing, they can sit anywhere, tolerate the same lack of attention and have the added bonus of offering spine-free contact should anyone care to pick them up or knock them over. The other differences worth mentioning are ours are 4.5cm high,  come in two varieties and never need watering.  And yes, your real cactus really does benefit from occasionally being watered, trust us.

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