Cats on Lids Pens


When we say “Cats on Lids” we actually mean cats over lids.  Just like our Lid Kitties pens, these little kitties have got themselves to the top of the pen and are draped across it, hung rather lazily admiring the view, it seems. Cats have a way of doing that. They’re able to lounge in a position that can’t possibly be comfortable, but manage to make it look just that. These pens write with a fine line nib in three colours. The blue pen writes in blue ink, the pink writes in red and the white pen writes in black ink. Wrapped around the barrel of each pen is a picture of a smiling cat and the words, “Mao’s story. Hey! Do you like cats?” Of course, we do. But you don’t have to be a cat person to like these pens, they will appeal to anyone.

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