Colourful Cactus Pens



The humble cactus is a much-underrated plant. It can withstand the harshest of environments, thrive on neglect, and will not show any signs of distress even when its only attention has been from an opportunistic spider. In fact, it will happily sit dressed in its cobweb attire until you notice it, flood it with water, and maybe even dust it. But the cactus doesn’t mind. It will sit there quite content, watching the world go by, slowly growing and occasionally, flowering. Regardless of their low maintenance, if they still seem too demanding, our Colourful Cactus pens are what you have been looking for. These soft, lightweight rubber cactus plants sit on top of the pen and require no attention whatsoever. Each cactus is less than 3cm high, so takes up barely any room at all. They write in black ink from a fine line nib and with a locking lid, are 19cm in total.  Four varieties to choose from, all silently hoping for the same kind of weather.

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