Cute Cat Pens
This cheeky trio of feline friends is looking for homes. Peeping out from the lids of these pens are some irresistible kitties. Available in three different characters each pen features a whimsical cat head and a decorated barrel. All three pens have the words “The Cat’s Story a good luck wish for you” on them, som
e Chinese characters, and two little images of the cat on the lid. We fell in love with these little guys and couldn’t send them on their way without names, so the one with grey hair that winks all the time is not called Over Friendly Bus Driver, he’s known as Mr. Winks. The ginger-striped one whose expression indicates he has stuffed himself and is now beginning to regret it is Marmalade. And finally, there’s the cat whose markings give
him the appearance of wearing a mask, just like the Lone Ranger. Feel free to change their names, should you choose to give a home to any of these cheeky chaps, they won’t mind. The pens write in black ink with a fine line 0.38mm nib.