Snowman Erasers



We all know winter can be cold. Very cold. Freezing, in fact. And what freezes? Raindrops. And what do they make? Snowflakes. And what do snowflakes make? Well, if you press them together and shape it and press it and pat it and smooth it, you get one of the most fantastical creations of all time. A snowman. Each one of these unique creations is a sight to behold. There is nothing quite like the feeling of satisfaction, once you take a step back on completion, and survey your handy work. Each one has its own instant personality and has the ability to bring a smile to the face of anyone who looks upon them. Our Snowmen erasers have pretty much the same effect. Although they may look identical, they have qualities that set them apart from each other, mainly the colour of their accessories. Let’s hear it for Snowmen, the ultimate ambassadors of peace and happiness.

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