Sponge Buddy Pens
You probably have a sponge at home, but can you honestly say it is your friend? Thought not. With these pens, however, you get the best of both worlds. A quality pen and a spongy sidekick. Well, a picture of a friendly, shorts-wearing sponge actually, but it’s like he’s right there with you. So that’s just as good. He’s either smiling with his hands on his face or smiling with his arms by his side and tongue sticking out. We’ve all met somebody like that at some point, but at least this guy is harmless. On the barrel are the words, “I like you, you li me” Unfortunately, he seems to be a couple of letters short of a coherent sentence, but we won’t hold it against him, we know what he’s getting at. The pens have a nice matt finish and write in blue or black ink with a fine line nib.